
Posts Tagged ‘Organic Hair Products’

Our hair reflect the overall state of our health, so if your hair looks dull and unhealthy, you need to check your nutritional intake such as essential fatty acids and zinc for glossy, vibrant hair.

Eating a well-balanced diet and using mild, natural or organic hair products on your hair will promote healthy growth and give you strong beautiful hair.
Also eating nuts for healthy hair as part of your daily diet is essential for the growth of thick healthy hair.

Food For Healthy Hair
– Salmon and Oily Fish (Omega-3 for scalp health)
– Eggs and Poultry (Best source of protein also contain biotin and vitamin B-12)
– Cereal (Zinc, iron and vitamin B)
– Nuts (Calcium, magnesium and potassium)
– Green Leafs (Vitamins A and C, iron and calcium)
– Beans (Iron, Zinc and Biotin, excellent for hair growth)

Steps to Take for Healthy Hair

Go Natural –  Use hair shampoos and hair conditioners that contain more natural and organic ingrediance and less  harmful ingredients such as petrochemicals.

Dont Wash Your Hair – Well wash your hair but dont over wash it, as hair shampooing daily will dry your hair and scalp, try to put a system in place to wash your hair three times a week, that would be perfect to keep the oil to right levels to keep your hair healthy and try to put a day or two a month to rinse your hair with water only and condition your hair ends with a leave in hair conditioner.

Dyeing Your Hair – dye your hair every 28 days as this will help prevent chemical damage, since the ends of your hair will be less likely to fade.

Shampooing Your Hair – After dyeing your hair try not to shampoo it for 72 hours.

Blow Dry – Blow drying your hair can cause alot of damage to your hair if not done by a hair stylist, as blow dryers were designed to be held high above your hair and moved around a lot so as not to heat one spot directly.
The steps that you should take while blow drying your own hair is firstly to remove the nozzle of your hair blow dryer which will diffuse the heat then point your bow dryer downwards while blow drying to get the same effect with the nozzle.

Conditioning – Deep-condition your hair at least once a week.

Use Products Properly – For maximum benefits of hair products, before applying shampoo or conditioner, emulsify them in your hands.

Hair Protection – Always protect your hair especially when damp and blow drying, such as using hair-protection spry.

Hair Care

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